December 1, 2023

Commitment to Sustainability

Eco-Conscious Choices for Coffee's Future.

ICC's Commitment to Sustainability

Since our inception, ICC's passion has extended beyond the allure of the world’s coffee. Our heart has always been set on the people behind every bean, and the environment from which these beans originate. This driving passion is reflected in every partnership we establish, every coffee bean we source, and every strategy we implement.

A Legacy Rooted in Sustainability

Having been in the green coffee trade for decades, ICC's reputation is built upon ethical sourcing. Our longstanding relationships with coffee farmers are not just transactional – they’re a bond built on mutual respect and a shared vision for a sustainable future. We delve deep into the practices of our suppliers, ensuring that the green coffee we offer is not only of top-tier quality but is also rooted in environmentally-friendly and ethical practices.

An Unwavering Commitment to Ethical Practices

ICC's dedication to ethical sourcing is reflected in our array of code of conduct policy statements. These policies, ranging from our commitment to zero deforestation to our gender equality statement, set the standards for our operations and collaborations. They serve as a testament to our unwavering commitment to a future that respects both human rights and the environment.

Some of our core policy statements include:

  • Code of Conduct: Corporate Social Responsibility: A comprehensive guide on our commitment to ethical operations and partnerships.
  • Commitment to Respect Human Rights and the Environment: This underscores our dedication to ensuring every aspect of our business respects fundamental human rights and the planet.
  • Commitment to Zero Deforestation: We are ardent about preserving our forests and ensuring our coffee sourcing doesn't harm these invaluable ecosystems.
  • Gender Equality Policy & Statement: At ICC, we believe in a balanced world, promoting gender equality in all our operations and partnerships.
  • ICC Supplier Standard: A stringent set of guidelines for our suppliers to ensure they align with our vision of a sustainable and ethical coffee trade.

Rigorous Assessments for a Sustainable Future

Beyond our policies, our team of green coffee experts performs rigorous cup-testing and grading for each coffee type. This is not just to maintain our strict standards on quality but to ensure that every bean we source is a product of sustainable and ethical farming practices.

In Conclusion

ICC's commitment to sustainability isn't just a trend or a buzzword for us; it's a guiding principle. Our dedication to fostering ethical, sustainable practices in the coffee industry is unwavering. It's in every bean, every partnership, and every cup of coffee that originates from our efforts.

For inquiries or further details on our sustainability practices, please reach out to us at Together, let's brew a sustainable future.

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