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Your Queries, Our Insights

What's the minimum order size at ICC?

You can order starting from one full burlap bag. We don't provide partial bags.

How flexible are ICC's sales terms?

We're dedicated to accommodating our customers. Our payment methods include Credit Card, bank transfers, and we offer NET 15 to NET 30 payment terms.

Is ICC part of a bigger corporation?

Not at all. ICC stands proud as a family-owned entity, steered by the same family for more than three generations.

Where are ICC's coffee storage facilities located?

We have major storage hubs in Ney Jersey, Charleston, Jacksonville, Miami, New Orleans, Houston, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Seattle. From these locations, we can transport coffee anywhere across the U.S. and Canada.

How does ICC ensure the quality of its green coffee?

Our team of Q-Graders rigorously inspects and grades every batch of green coffee we source. They utilize their expertise to analyze the flavors, characteristics, and overall quality, ensuring that the coffee meets ICC's exacting standards.

What is ICC's stance on environmental sustainability?

ICC places a high priority on sustainability. We work closely with coffee producers who employ sustainable farming practices, and we constantly seek ways to minimize our environmental footprint throughout our operations.